Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Osprey Beach "Pee" and Red Knots

The boat beached on "Osprey Beach", which I dubbed "Beach-Pee-pee" as it was the ONLY beach where one can hide behind a pine tree and pee! 
With my girly pink-backpack, $3,000 scope and chair in tow.... we found our spot for re-sighting the Red Knots and Ruddy Turnstones.
This was my first time getting to know a scope.  Lucky for me DE's Fish and Wildlife provided me with a great piece of glass!!!!
My re-sighting partner......a top-flight ornithologist from the UK....... gave me a great lesson.  He sat with me until I was comfortable with the re- sighting and data recording....... then I was on my own.
I recorded data for 50 birds.......... my Brit partner did 350!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved-loved watching the bird behaviors.  My favorite was watching the Ruddy Turnstones digging deeply for the horseshoe crab eggs........ so deep that half the bird would be would be in  it's little hole!
The wind and cold kept me alert, I was multi- layered up.....the layers almost made it thru .... I hid behind a tree for cover...... after three hours I was ready for the rescue crew!
Earlier in the day..... waiting for the rain to stop, I made banding bead strings....... and attempted to make a few flags too.  Oh, and I learned how to do data-entry too!
10.5 hours later............. barely made it back alive to the cottage for dinner and SLEEP! 

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