How well I remember the trip to the Safeway Foods for the stocking-up occasion. We were shopping for two adults and four children! We walked every aisle, loaded cart after cart, and I remember being horrified at a total bill of ~ $400.00!
This seasons load of all my needed sunscreen products to last until October 31st tallied at least $75.00!
We loaded up two even-old-for-the era Chevys with our household pets, clothes, toys, bikes, beach towels and linens, the above supplies ...... and headed out!
One year en-route we had a flat tire. My parents failed to change the Snow Tires out.
Going over the Bay Bridge, my heart sang out with relief! It was the dividing line of "School Days" to" Summer Beach Days"!
Outfitting the cottage was done fast, we said "Hi" to neighbors, and then we hit the beach!
Paper plates and cups were "the thing" to save time and trouble for washing dishes.
My parents saved money for the family of four on shoes and sandals: we wore none until the first day of School!
Beach Blessing,
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