I'm the "Official Crazy Outdoor Greeter", a fourth year returning volunteer. Like try and stop me! Without a doubt this is one of the highlights of my Beach Season!
A few weeks before the event I check out my Fantasy Trail Disco-Era-Psycho-Stay-At-Home Mom costume: pouffy black and neon-pink streaked pig-tailed wig, costume of starched cotton color-printed apron and jogging suit, and my extras: crazy Halloween decor garlands worn as necklaces, slap bracelets with dolphins and serpents, my dinosaur finger-puppet, and my magic strobe light!
The costume works it's magic into my psyche and by "opening night": I'm READY!
As I roll into the parking lot: I'm already in my character. The Park Police who know me from my Summer as "Bird Police Volunteer at The Point" took one look at me and were in instant hysterics. My role is simultaneously to get the kids excited and organized for the fun ahead! ;-)
To get even more psyched for the evening I run ahead of the event the 300 carved and lit pumpkin trail! At this point I am in storybook-land. I'm now living each and every fairy-tale.
The public arrives early and we had 30 minutes to entertain until "show time". The Returning favorite entertainer Lollipop The Clown and I have fun dancing together, bidding the children to do the same. Lollipop's ferret wore a sparkly green top-hat and again kissed my dinosaur finger puppet! Later Lollipop holds court in the entertainment tent where she has everyone in the palm of her hand while singing, telling stories, and making adults into mummy's; winding them in rolls of toilet paper!
Over the three nights ~ 2,500 children and adults were not just entertained but enthralled upon high. Their beloved State Park transformed from bright-and-beachy to spooky-silly with even the aquarium tanks of sand sharks becoming part of the display "trail".
After two nights running my voice became raw but my spirit resided at Fantasy Trail, and lived well it did.
Small Kitchen Story Note: What to have for dinner at 9 PM after entertaining the masses? Big Fish to the rescue: Pumpkin Crab Bisque purchased early in the day.... served with rice crackers and my own-made applesauce.
Events like this are what make Dewey Beach the spot that it is.