Wednesday, October 6, 2010

University of Delaware's Lewes Coast Day 2010

Something happens to me every time I drive on Pilottown Road going towards the University of DE. I get spine-tingles. I'm elated; enchanted. With each and every drive I promise myself: here is where I will live out my days.
Even with threatening weather...... and did it ever later let-loose-the-rain, driving the road I was full of spine tingles and excitement.
Never before have I attended Coast Day; this year I was scheduled to be in the "merchandise free" DNREC Tent to work the Friends of Cape Henlopen table. I arrived early for my shift and dressed for squalls: parka and knee-high boots!
Despite or maybe due to the rain, the event and our tent was jammed pack! The idea was to rope in new members. I smiled broadly, a circus barker I became, and pleaded for the passerby to become OUR FRIEND! Could we PULLEEZE be FRIENDS? I got huge laughs and brochures were gladly accepted.
I admit it. I'm a DNREC "Groupie"! What a privilege to be in the DNREC tent! After my volunteer gig: I went around the tent to greet my Fish and Wildlife DNREC directors and explore other divisions.
Attendees were cold and soaking wet so off I went to join the crush inside the University buildings. Gleeful intense interest described the crowd..... except for some sleepy-headed students in the video-screening room. From a video, I later recognized and met the Dean!
Every lab and hall hosted a fun activity for kids and adults. My favorite was a before-your-eyes extraction from mushed strawberries, making visible DNA strands! For me it was amazing and creepy all at once!
The attendees were Coast Day "true believers"; a sunny day might not have revealed this.

Beach Blessings,

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