****You can take the Girl Out of Dewey Beach but you Can't take the Dewey Beach out of the Girl! ****
Yet, I am having my moments of acclimation and culture adjustment.
Driving down Pilottown Road, I noticed a small homeowner's "yard sale" situated Canal-side. As I passed by, I slowed my vehicle even slower than the 25 mph speed. I looked at the articles; a wooden carved piece and an oriental rug....... and drove on. The owner was lovingly arranging the pieces.
Later I thought: drive by again! You need rugs! I drove by, slowed again and had sticker-shock. $300 to $400/each signs...... just made me laugh out loud, thinking: I'm in Lewes!
Yet, I mused: the Canal is a marvelous backdrop for a "town yard sale" and what fun it would be to bargain that $400 rug down to $75!
Beach Blessings,
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