Except as a formality, throughout my life, New Year's never has been the start of my New Year.
As a child having spent the entire Summer at the beach returning to school after Labor Day and coinciding with early Fall's Rosh Ha Shonah is my New Year. This past year the High Holidays fell on weekends; I was so happy attending services with Rehoboth's Seaside Jewish Community!
The month of May is the beginning of my Dewey Beach Season! My Summer Season New Year starts here! Opening the cottage, new sandals and new swimsuits, renewal of good-times with friends not seen for 6 months, opening businesses welcoming all.
The Summer House "Formal Party" starts off the New Summer season.... we are shiny-new and wear gowns and tux's.
By Labor Day with the change in sunlight, I follow the cue and ready myself for my Fall New Year. By Halloween....... how fitting is the week when many businesses hold closing parties..... the end of their year.
Dewey Beach, Many Blessings for a Happy ( that is a given ) and Prosperous New Year!
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